319 cool


hat: Altagroup Borsalino Mesh Hat

cigar: Nikotin Pyramid Cigar

outfit: Deadwool The Dandy formal jacket
Deadwool The Dandy formal trousers
Deadwool Hugo Shirt dandy-jacket add on

shoes: Ascend Triple Monk shoes

pose: WRONG. Bento Static Male Poses - 30 @ mom


hair with hat: TRUTH HAIR Fenella -  variety

cigarette: [ kunst ] - Cigarette & holder

harness wih pasties: [[Masoom]] Janet outfit @ rld
Compatible with : Lara, Hourglass, Physique, Freya & Isis

jacket: Addams // Muriel Suit Jacket // N*38

stockings: .::Dead Dollz::. Sheer Hosiery - Noblesse (maitreya)

heels: N-core ENDLESS "Black" for High Feet

pose: The Owl. Single Poses. Pack #17/3