557 girls like you

(pls click flickr for watching dance video :)

hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Lordie hair - Fatpackuber

top: Blueberry - Benny - Side Rolled Tops - Fatpack

belly bag: EVANI - SANTA fanny pack [VERS 1]kustom9

leggins: Blueberry - Poppy - Leggings - Fatpack

sneakers: Native - Woodboat Sneakers - Fatpack uber

dance animation: MOVE! Cologne Fatpack BOX TAYNARA VOL 3 BENTO
Cool Action Dances with "2Step" and Real Stage Element`s !
The Dances have been recorded under real Clubbing Conditions.
MOVE Animations Cologne aims to bring the most possible authenticity into the Body-Capture, especially when it comes to club dances.
Smoothest Animations from 30 to 60 Seconds long at best possible Framerates !
move! flickr
move! mp