612 private dance session

Vanity Hair::God's Plan-Greedy Packhair fair (blond sim)
included:_Vanity Hair, _Vanity Hair Bases(Tintable), _Vanity Hair HUD

Scandalize. Elva. FATPACKuber (25th)
for maitreya, Freya, hourglass and Isis

heels: Essenz - Bali - Fatpack
Available in 6 packs of 3 colors or a fatpack of 18 colors.
Requires Slink Hourglass, Belleza Isis/Freya or Maitreya

dance animation: MOVE! Cologne SOPHIE BENTO - Fatpack
The Dances have been recorded under real Clubbing Conditions.
MOVE Animations Cologne aims to bring the most possible authenticity into the Body-Capture, especially when it comes to club dances.
The Dances cost  300L$ each. We give MORE THAN 20% on each Dance Pack (10 Dances) ■■ (2399L$).■■
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