945 scota

hair: Wasabi // Melon Mesh Hair - All Colorsuber (starts 25th)

head: LeLutka Bento Head-KORINA skin fair

headskin and headshape: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* LeLutka Heads 2 "Scota" - Fatpackskin fair

body applier: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES *Chubby* - Fatpack (new)

cleavage: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* OMEGA AddOns "CLEAVAGE V1" ALL TONES (new)

pubic hair: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* OMEGA AddOns "Pubic Hair" ALL TONES (new)

lingerie: {ViSion} // Natalia Lingerie - Fatpack uber (starts 25th)
you can change the opacity via HUD :)