1024 best friends are talking

hair: {Limerence} Irene hair RARE (gacha)gacha garden

necklace: #EMPIRE - Letter Necklace - Gold - L *Maitreya* (gacha)

top: Cynful Mackenzey Top - Fatpack collabor88 (starts 8th)
Sizes: Maitreya Lara Slink Hourglass Belleza Freya + Isis Single Color Hud: V-Neck + Round Neck Version 25 Strap colors (On+Off option) Fatpack: V-Neck + Round Neck Version 30 Top Colors 30 Strap colors (On+Off option)

skirt: Cynful Ekaterina Jeans Skirt - FatpackAnthem
Sizes: Maitreya Lara Slink Hourglass Belleza Freya + Isis Single Color Hud: Skirt Color in Solid Denim and Ombre Denim 8 metal colors 25 Panty colors (On/Off option) Fatpack: 35 Skirt Color in Solid Denim and Ombre Denim 8 metal colors 25 Panty colors (On/Off option) Overlay Options for both: 5 metal Queen Patches 5 metal Dot Pattern 2 metal Cynful Motorcycle Club Patches 1 Stitch Patch 3 colors Cynful T

tights: N-Uno // Tights Gacha // Pink N 5 (gacha)

hair: Vanity Hair::Bunnie-Must Haves Packvanity Event

top and pants: SCANDALIZE. Luxx. FATPACK vanity Event