1309 cora

hair: Opale . Lola Hair+Scarf [All Colors Pack] @ Access .

head: LeLUTKA Nova Head 1.0 NEW

Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA HEADS (EVO.) - Cora - Fatpack NEW
Comes with a New HUD (HD Layers) and lot more BOM layers now! We have new Eyeliners (in HD and on BOM), a tintable Eyelid (in HD and on BOM), tintable Lips (in HD and on BOM) and a super cool Face gloss layer on BOM!

eyeshadow and lashes with Flower: .euphoric ~Mya LeLUTKA Evolution HD Lashes&Eyeshadow Applier @ cosmopolitan .